HER Genetic Research Presented at ASHG

Dr. Marlena Fejzo and Xinran Wang present at the American Society of Human Genetics Conference on HER’s collaborative genetic research with USC. Dr. Fejzo presented our team’s results from the largest ever…

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Fundraising for the HER Foundation

The HER Foundation is dedicated to supporting individuals and families affected by Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG), a debilitating pregnancy complication. By fundraising for the HER Foundation, you can help provide vital…

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Exhibitors and Sponsors

General Conference Sponsorships Gold – $10,000 Logo on conference bag, name and logo added to conference program and website Flyer/materials included in delegate bags Pre or post conference email blast…

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HER Logo & USB Pen

To increase awareness about HG and the many resource HER offers at no charge to health professionals and families, we are offering our pens for you to purchase and share…

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2020 HG Vision: the year in review

2020 has brought more challenges in supporting mothers than ever before. Many mothers with hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) have been unable to get emergency room care and evaluations or see their…

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Parenteral (Intravenous) Nutritional Therapy

…from www.nyschp.orgwww.medscape.com and other sources. Mechanical Complications Catheter related: Pneumothorax, vessel damage, thrombosis, occlusion, catheter breakage, infection, etc. Infection: Fever, pain, redness at site. Site related: Pain, inflammation, or redness,…

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Disability Info

Insurance & Disability in US Insurance & Disability in US By Timothy M. Klob, JD www.KlobLawFirm.com “The military has all sorts of Family Support programs in place now – much…

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Genetics and GDF15 Hormone FAQ

…of HG is related to the nausea and vomiting hormone GDF15. HG is not psychological and is not caused by hCG. Read full article: www.nature.com/articles/s41467-018-03258-0 How do we know hCG…

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Survival Guide for Family & Friends

…and may even be unable to shower daily. Pressure on her stomach (e.g. tight waistband) Stimulation of gag reflex (e.g. swallowing pills) Riding in the car (See Homeopathic Remedies.) Vitamins…

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Complementary Therapies

…and press firmly, one wrist at a time, or get a friend to hold both for 3 minutes or so. “Seabands” are also available at many stores or online for…

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