Invite Your Health Professional!

This ICHG flyer is your opportunity to help spread awareness and knowledge about Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) by promoting the International Colloquium on Hyperemesis Gravidarum (ICHG) 2024. The purpose of this flyer is to inform healthcare providers and support professionals about this crucial event, where they can gain valuable insights, learn about the latest research, and connect with experts in the field. By distributing this flyer to key locations, you're playing a vital role in ensuring that more medical professionals are equipped to provide better care and support to HG patients.

Thank you for your dedication and support. Together, we can make ICHG 2024 a pivotal event to ensure all with HG get the care they need.

Why This Matters

Spreading awareness about ICHG 2024 can lead to more healthcare providers becoming educated about HG, leading to better treatment options and support for future patients. By distributing flyers, you’re directly contributing to this mission.

Making a lasting impact!

By taking these small but significant steps, you are helping to ensure that more healthcare providers have the opportunity to learn about HG and improve their care practices. Your efforts can lead to better outcomes for countless patients and contribute to the broader understanding and support of HG in the medical community.

How can you help?

Easy, here are the top 3 ways to help:

  1. Download and share our flyer about ICHG to everyone you know.
  2. Share our ICHG social media posts.
  3. Register and attend ICHG 2024.

Where to distribute flyer?

Consider these key locations where healthcare providers who treat HG patients can be reached:

  • OB/GYN Offices
  • Midwives
  • Emergency Rooms (ERs)
  • Psychologists and Therapists
  • IV Clinics
  • Homecare Agencies
  • Pharmacists
  • Nutritionists

Check with your tax advisor about deducting any car mileage to distribute the flyer.

What to say?

When distributing or sending the flyer digitally, clearly communicate its importance. Introduce yourself and explain that you’re sharing information about an essential upcoming conference on Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG). Highlight your connection to HG, emphasizing how critical it is for healthcare providers to have access to the latest research and resources. The conference will feature leading experts and offer valuable insights for treating and managing HG. Finally, politely ask if you can leave or send a few flyers for the doctors and staff.

We recommend printing out 3-5 flyers to leave at each office. This ensures that multiple staff members can access the information and increases the likelihood of it being noticed.

Don’t have a printer? It’s easy to print the flyer at a company like FedEx.

Download ICHG flyer

Next Steps:

Thank you for your dedication and support. Together, we can make ICHG 2024 a pivotal event to ensure all with HG get the care they need.