Kierstan’s HG Truths

I have been sick in all four of my pregnancies, and my first two ended in first trimester miscarriages. I got pregnant with my first daughter in 2017 and was…

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Global HG Chats on Zoom

HER is hosting HG Chats on every continent (except Antarctica). We want HG survivors to have an opportunity to talk, connect, and feel heard. You are welcome to join any of these.

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Help Eliminate Preventable Complications of HG

The devastating complications of HG are numerous, the silver lining is that a great many of them are preventable with timely, effective, adequate medical care. To this end, the HER Foundation launched the 1 MOM Is 2 Many campaign.

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The vomiting won’t stop. When to call a health professional.

When do HG patients call their doctor? When do I go to the hospital with hyperesis gravidarum?

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Shining Light on HG Truths

We’re shining a light on HG Truths! May 15th is International HG Awareness Day (HGAD), and we’re shining a light on HG Truths all month! The HER Foundation is the…

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2021 HG Challenge

We invite our community to take Provider Packets of resources to a hospital, clinic, or practice with your personal story and passion will make a difference.

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Congratulations to Xavier Becerra for being sworn in as Secretary of Health and Human Services

The HER Foundation congratulates Secretary Xavier Becerra who was sworn in as the head of Health and Human Services.

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Impact of COVID-19 and women’s health: challenges and lessons

On March 10, 2021, our 1 MOM is 2 Many partner, African Health Now, hosted a webinar: Impact of COVID-19 and Women’s Health Challenges and Lessons. The HER Foundation joined African Health Now, Every Mother Counts, and other experts to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on women’s access to healthcare services, including maternal and reproductive healthcare.

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The Hearts of Gold HG Bracelet

Help us spread awareness by showing your #HGstyle everywhere you go! The Hearts of Gold gives back 10% of proceeds for this bracelet to HER Foundation.

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Do I need fluids? Am I dehydrated?

When do I go to the hospital with hyperemesis gravidarum? When do I need fluids with HG? What are the best treatments for hyperemesis gravidarum?

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