We frequently receive questions about why HG patients need more thiamin than their healthy counterparts. A pregnant Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) patient cannot eat a nutrient rich diet and may not be able to eat at all. A healthy pregnant patient can eat a nutrient rich diet that includes a variety of foods.
- Pregnant women have a higher need for thiamin.
- Lack of intake creates other deficiencies that can exacerbate thiamin deficiency.
- High carbohydrate diet, which is common in HG, requires additional thiamin to metabolize.
- Medications that impact thiamin levels: antacids, anticonvulsants, diuretics, hormonal therapy, parenteral nutrition, antibiotics, and IV dextrose.
- Immobility, GI dysfunction, inflammation, and stress increase need for thiamin.
- Recommendation: 100 mg/day before 20 weeks and 250 mg/day after 20 weeks.
Posted in News, What is HG