Top 10 Comfort Measures
Women with hyperemesis are very miserable and deserve to be treated with great compassion. Extra measures taken to give her comfort are beneficial both physically and psychologically.
- Make sure that intravenous fluids are warmed before administration to avoid discomfort and calorie loss due to shivering.
- Offer warmed blankets and a bed (v. reclining chair).
- If multiple sticks are required for an IV, use Lidocaine and utilize most skilled personnel to avoid scarring. Remember: Most HG patients require multiple admissions for each pregnancy!
- Give antiemetics and vitamins PO, IV or PR, avoid IM injections due to muscle atrophy and discomfort.
- Minimize noise and odors, as well as interruptions to her rest.
- Order a PT consult for education on progressive exercise to minimize atrophy. Remember: This patient will soon have an infant(s) that will require a lot of lifting and care - atrophy will impair her significantly, thus requiring more assistance!
- Keep stimuli to a minimum (light, noise, odors, interruptions) and room temperature comfortable for patient.
- Daily weights are not necessary for most patients during an extended stay. Consider qod weights.
- Offer her the chance to express her feelings in an atmosphere of compassion and empathy.
- Take her complaints seriously and do all you can to help her cope with the misery, stress, and discomfort.