Overcoming the Silent Suffering of Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG)
Trigger Warning: Mentions of Loss & Termination
My Early Battle with Hyperemesis Gravidarum
I suffered severe Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) 25 years ago before it was a term that was as commonly used and before any medications were made available. I had my son in 1996, then my daughter in 1997. After that, I lost one due to HG at 6 weeks, then at 4 1/2 months. I terminated my last pregnancy after that.
Silent Suffering and the Toll of PTSD
For over 20 years, I silently suffered with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). During my first pregnancies, I continually prayed not to be pregnant anymore. I considered taking my own life on multiple occasions, both during pregnancy and since.
Reliving HG During Menopause
Then, at 39, I began going through menopause and spent almost two years in a throwback HG-hell where I had to tackle my PTSD, suffering from severe anxiety, depression, and nausea. I again thought of taking my own life just a few years back, but I didn’t, I’m still here.
Finding Hope and Community
During the time, I was going through menopause, I discovered the HER website and a support group on social media. This page gave me a new light. I began finding comfort, knowing I wasn’t actually alone. I found a new purpose, and my husband and I started a program where we gave our all-natural, no scent and barely scented lip balms to moms who were currently suffering from HG for free anywhere in the US. That was just a beginning step.
Sharing My Story with the World
In September of 2022, I decided to do something I didn’t think I could and wrote my story to share with the world. The emotional journey that took me was overwhelming yet incredible. My husband didn’t even know about my pregnancy termination from years ago, long before him. My family didn’t know. No one knew until I shared my pain, embarrassment, and struggles with the world.
I used not even to be able to discuss pregnancy. Words like terminate and pregnant, were massive trigger words that would send my mind into a mental state of hell. Then, I wrote my book and shared my pain. The impact of that has been a huge healing process for me personally, but most importantly, it’s been a way to raise awareness.
Empowered by the HER Foundation
Over 20 years ago, I buried my pain deep inside and NEVER even wanted to think about sharing it with those closest to me, much less the world. Now, I’m empowered because there is a place like the HER Foundation to which women can turn for help and resources.
My mission from here forward is to help the HER Foundation reach as many people as possible. I can’t even tell you how my past has haunted me and how many times I thought about taking my life after suffering from HG. But I’m still here, and as long as I am, I’d like to help the HER Foundation raise as much awareness as possible.
~Sherry, USA